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Our services for your property.
A qualified agent distinguishes oneself not only through attractive real estate offers, but also through comprehensive services and deepergoing consulting around all questions regarding a property. Our target ist o give you the best possible, trustworthy support for your plans, feeling comfortable from the first contact with InteReal® on.

Service for sellers.
In addition to brokerage another strength of InteReal® is competent anlysis of markets and properties offered. The results are the platform of our sucessful work and allow a valid estimation of property values and target group oriented sales strategies for all your purposes.
Speak with us and get an idea of our innovative ways of thinking which we use to market your property.
Gladly we explain you how you profit from a sale with InteReal®
Free of charge support for sellers.
Learn More About The Real Value Of Your Property
The first step to a succesful marketing of any object is the exact evaluation of close to market values and indices. Only a real estate expert with profound market- and specified branch know how is in a position to define a reliable market price.
It is the result of weighting the actual/local market situation with recognizeable influence factors and the call potentials. More than that other strongpoints like location, size and shape of a property belong to determinants.
Each InteReal® expert starts with an exact research of and around your property, checks all relevant documents and uses the different indicators to evaluate the the found results in relation tot he micro market.
Renovations and substantial refurbishment don’t have tob e stressy. We accompany you not only through the whole purchase- or sale-process of a house or an apartment. If you need it, you get target oriented support for renovations, construction and refurbishment. With InteReal®BauRegie we are backing you with professional craftsmen, time- and cost planning.
Dont’t hesitate to contact us. Request for consulting free of charge

Construction/Renovation Management
the management of renovations and the supervision is part of our daily work.
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Searching For Potential Buyers/Sellers?
Profit from our data base. Insert into a comprehensive search file all relevant criteria and get a list of potential candidates fitting to your object. No matter you want to sell or lease – get a first, non binding impression.
Leasing and renting of a property is a complex transaction, which needs early planning and sufficient preparations. Especially the following aspects should be in the focus of any owner:
Lease contract:
- which lease is adequate to your object?
- which contractual endurance is possible?
- which possibilities of noticing exist?
- height of the deposit?
- ensuring the deposit?
- administration of the deposit?
- Legal background landlords/tenants?
- Relevant tax law for owners?
- Regulations for sub-leasing and transfer to third parties?
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Usufruct As An Alternative
Interested in Usufruct as a selling alternative? Then get in touch with us – we inform you and add know how to your intentions.
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Why should you work with InteReal?
Regional & Worldwide
individual consulting
market insides
Yes, we are the professionals!
Why is it smarter to work with a professional agents?